- First pic!
- kobuki/sable collab marble
- New Vessel w/blown fish stopper and my new classic chunks
- couple flower marbs...
- my first pic posting-peep it
- My Stuff on GA.org
- Light Sabers
- a pipe and a pendant...
- New Pendants
- Precision color tubing.....pics
- Some new peices
- First worth marbles
- Star Peice
- some new stuff...
- 3 months in and this is the best i got
- layered fume techs
- Offut Lake Oddities Under Construction
- hmmm... more glass?
- New reversal sectionals
- My First Boro Pendants
- Just took more pictures....
- 3 new Exploding Planets #9-11
- merman
- standup sherly
- New website from Mark Lammi
- stairway to heaven
- New work sampler
- yellow jacket
- Erik Anders on the torch
- Space Donuts
- New Stuff for Hempfest
- Other stuff for Hempfest
- Nothing to special just small and nice
- Two toads humping
- A little old fashioned stitchwork
- Goblets from the Parramore class
- flower
- New "Chunk Style" additions
- Some early Hothead/propane only mini paperweights
- Sick Shit
- New Glassartists page
- ~ Vapor Bub ~
- Seattle Hempfest pix 01
- Seattle Hempfest pix 02
- nothing new but...
- iguana
- ammonite
- take a dive
- Brian's pictures
- Pics from EGS Flame off?
- Glass Tribal Jewelry and Pendants
- Pendant & Bracelet
- arcata glass school
- First Glass Humanform Sculpture
- its been a while
- lily blossoms
- honeycomb pics
- Newbie pics......
- ~ Mini Sherlock ~
- in progress - poppy pods
- ammonite2
- Jewelry Commission
- Non-Glass Art
- Disco Dragon
- mixed lily necklace
- A sketch in glass
- new bub
- summer 05
- rain
- wifey vs hubby
- First Human form
- just got this in the mail for my b day...
- newbie mini paperweights
- New Bracelet & Pendant
- First Fillacello
- Superman
- New studio!
- Shrunken Ogre Heads
- beer tap handle
- ~ Tree Pendant ~
- Another Galaxy w/ opal
- New shrunken Ogre Head
- 2nd Big Ogre Head done!
- New Stuff
- #3 Shunken Ogre Head "Pop Top"
- okalee dokalee!!!!!!!
- just a new piece
- momka's fairy
- my latest art project
- fire ratticello
- goblet...
- frogger
- bugs and flowers
- Big double mushroom marble (for me)
- Just thought id give the picture posting thing a try
- Hi Speed photography
- www.marklammi.com
- First Pics Up!!!
- Milissa's Bump up in the GA
- It's Here******CONTEMPORARY MARBLE CALENDAR******It's Here
- ~ Holiday Ornaments ~
- Some New Marbles
- Starting them out young
- Some new stuff
- some stuff from France
- The year was 1970
- An other french Lampworker:
- double bub double stemless double butt seal
- new stuff
- nuevo pipas
- Tropical Implosion Flower Marble
- A few new 1's
- Unicorn set
- two into one
- Hey, I can make round things!
- Growing bolder by the minute
- Mini gallery on glasspipes.org and glassartists.org
- New Glass From MARK LAMMI!!
- Some new stuff...
- a five year project....
- other ammonite
- Taro, Tako & Scorp
- Bashi's Glass Works
- New Studio Shots
- Make a mini gallery from your glasspipes.org or glassartists.org gallery!
- Our new studio... who wants to help?
- Fish-Carb Hammer Mini Gallery
- new pix of my shop
- Bead
- my production
- poison dart frog
- some new mibs
- Almost there (gallery pics)
- WindowScene#5 MIB
- new glass artist gallery
- stemless bub
- The "Guggenhyman"
- my new piece!!!!
- Getting a new studio -WOOO!
- ~ Some NEW Schtuff ~
- world's smallest tobacco pipe
- out the kiln and out the door
- New Keychains avaialbe at www.beadpens.com
- new ogre head "MOE"
- Calabash Sherly
- "gobstopper"
- stemless.
- New glass Artist shirt
- Some recent marbles.
- finaly updated my gallery
- Some New Mibs!
- A huge marble update!
- ~ It's more than just a bead.... ~
- New marbles by Blake!
- 2 Exciting New Series' by EyeCandyArts
- Radioactive Geometrics!
- New work from Lucid Visions
- Set for Valentine's Day
- some of my photography, check it!!
- Retticello windows
- first decent Marbles
- It's been a while.
- last pendant with Exp Green
- Sunday paper
- Goblets, sculpture, reticello, blah blah blah
- 1/29/06 Ogre Head Cyclopse
- Illuminating the Spirit
- ~ Check out my Balls ~
- Just tring out Pictures
- progress..
- Oz
- Additional gallery signs
- zombies anyone?
- Some of my "better" work
- Some new goodies from me!
- little dry sherlock
- New stuff
- Couple of vessels and a bead
- Some of my collection
- new dichro pendants
- Sake set w rice bowls and chopsticks
- Simple stuff
- One more
- My very first pendant....
- first dichro mib
- hottest wig ever!
- Some things we are taking to KC Marble Show
- A new color that will knock your socks off!!!
- Some Marbles
- Nate Miers Vessel Class Pics
- Open House Pictures
- imploded retticello's
- Some new marbles.
- Greenspan
- messin around with colors
- 8 chamber bubbler
- Some new goodies from me
- Dragster
- some new shizzle
- ammonite pendant
- New Production work
- some boro sculpture...
- Updated GA
- Jason Lee Glass
- Wonderful result of experimentation!
- newish auctions :)
- New Style Silver Fume Implosions
- "Series 33"
- Some new goodies :)
- A gold fish with it's head chopped off!
- Crazy eye with optic nerve
- sunny sunday boro
- New one
- Amygdala Dream Sculpture
- new cages almost done!
- New marbles
- come one, come all...
- beaded up pendant
- new goodies up tonight!
- New stuff at marklammi.com
- I bought a Marble from Jason..
- honeycombed Vortex Paperweight
- some older beads/pendants
- space scene
- New piece
- some new pics
- this is where I am at.
- pressed fairy/space pendant/closeups and a ?
- first few days back on the torch
- First Marbles
- tricky tricky
- Finaly getting the hang of silver fume :)
- Take a look at Sabina's Marble Holder, Guys!!
- Glass is life
- Respect
- 2 new from last night...
- Critique of DeMoss Glass Art Site
- 12" wing-wang Tazza
- Just for you Slinger ;o)
- My new site
- New Midwest Glassblowing Studio...
- my first graal marble
- Pussy willows
- It's here CANADA!
- need help asap
- New one
- Glass
- New Bike
- Eternal Flora from Lucid Visions
- What do you think is a fair price for these?