View Full Version : Any skilled leatherworkers with time?

Eric S
11-06-2009, 09:02 AM
i need a few items made. have any of you seen booths or stores that sell bracelets or wristcuffs that are made from recycled belts, with spikes or rivets added? something along these lines, but custom size and design, like hardcore pet collars. I dont want to spend too much on them, like 5 items for 10 each? recycled materials is encouraged.

Or, rep points for anyone that can get me a link to a pet or doll collar that is black or brown leather, with spikes(essential) that is less than 6"?? snap or belt-style closures.

thanks so much.

11-06-2009, 09:08 AM
You're going to think this is a joke, but i used to work at an adult book store, and they sold cock rings that sound like exactly what you're looking for. You could try that avenue.

Eric S
11-06-2009, 06:47 PM
LOL that sounds funny, and would probably be the right size, but specialty items in those stores are often very expensive. i will look into it, but still into other avenues as well.

Eric S
11-09-2009, 12:32 PM
okay, i've looked into it, and cockrings are too big. they dont just go around the cock, but also the balls, so they're about 7-9" long. i've found tiny dog collars about that size, 6-9 inches. unless i can find an asian specialty sex store, cockrings are out.

The Lorax
11-09-2009, 12:43 PM
lol... look around etsy man, or make a custom request on esty through alchemy.

Master Yoda
11-10-2009, 05:58 AM
+1 for cock rings
not for this application, they are just cool in general, esp vibrating ones:)

11-10-2009, 07:49 PM
i can make you what you want, pm me

would have to be very simple for that price, depends on material for spikes and qty, and it wont be leather, i work with rubber. and i might need a week because im out of stock on some materials right now

11-13-2009, 10:08 AM
cockrings are too big. they dont just go around the cock, but also the balls...

No, that' can't be right. I've never put mine around the balls, and I can barely get mine closed....

kidding of course.

Sorry man, I was hoping that would help. Good luck.