I wanted to thank everybody who came this year. It was an awesome time.
As many of you already know, I have been handed the "keys" (and top hat) to AGI and couldn't be more honored or excited. AGI has been the best thing that could have happened to me in the glass world, and I am beyond words now that I can give back in a way I never dreamed I could.
With all that being said, I'm ecstatic to announce that we are doing pre-sales for all previous guests up until September 30th.
"B" Ticket - $600 - includes:
- Access to all demonstrations
- On-site camping
- Breakfast, lunch, dinner, and late night snacks
- Endless opportunities to learn and make life long friends and contacts
"A" Ticket - $700 - includes:
- Everything listed above
- Workstation to try out what you've learned
- Access to that work station from 8am - 1:30am
17 tickets have already been sold and they've only been on sale since Sunday!!!!!
To make sure you get yours please contact Elaine at (724) 791-2100.
Remember as always we can do a payment plan, which means that if you can't pay all at once, we can take monthly installments. Just to give you an idea how affordable it can be, it's basically $60 a month (that's only $15/week) for an A ticket so don't miss out on this opportunity!
Again, thank you all for participating in this event and making it what it is today. You are the event and the reason why I, and so many others, come back year after year.
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