Progressive Borosilicate Lampworking
An Intermediate Approach to Jewelry and Objects
With Chris Roesinger
September 21-23, 2007

Class Description: The class will focus on developing techniques in jewelry and object making as well as understanding the aspects in creating a product portfolio and marketing one's work. We will use borosilicate rod, tubing, and color to design a wide variety of focal pendants. Techniques to be covered include rod and tube implosion, disc flips, reticellos, reversals, honeycombs, pinwheeling, hob-nails, sculptural pendants, and some color theory. If time permits we may engage into a marble using a combination of the techniques learned. Students should have at least one year of torch experience as well as a basic understanding of tubing. Pre-requisite techniques include scoring and cutting tubes, end seals or point pulling, and blowing bubble forms.

More information can be found at:

If you have any questions about the class, post here, PM me, or e-mail me. A listing of local hotels will be available in a couple days...