Terms Of Service, all members please read
Thank you for participating in the Melting Pot community! Our forums are volunteer moderated and the well being of this community is supported by the cooperative effort of every member here. Your participation is an agreement to the following terms of service.
1. Always be respectful of others when posting.
2. Please refrain from personal attacks and insults. Differences of opinion are welcomed so long as they can be expressed respectfully.
3. No vulgar or offensive language/pics/links/etc.
4. No pornography.
5. Petty bickering will result in editing or deletion. Posts made to intentionally disrupt the forum will be removed.
6. Racism will not be tolerated.
7. No multiple accounts/alter egos.
8. Discussion of illegal activities is prohibited, including but not limited to discussion of use/manufacture of pipes by those under the age of 18. This is an adult forum for adult use only.
9. No posting of copyrighted information or materials without written permission of the author/owner.
10. Vendors are asked not to post in their competitors threads.
11. Discussions about moderator or administrator actions are welcome in email or local private messages, but should not be discussed in public forums. This is out of respect for the members and moderators or policy involved.
12. The forum is not a place to solicit donations or ask for personal charity. The staff may sponsor such activity from time to time at our sole discretion.
13. We reserve the right to modify these Terms of Service from time to time without notice and implement such changes retroactively.
14. Owners, administrators, or moderators cannot be held liable for any information or misinformation expressed, implied, or contained within this forum.
15. Not honoring these guidelines may result in the temporary loss of membership privileges. In some cases a warning will be issued before such action, but the administration reserves the right to remove membership privileges at their own discretion. We hate to ban anyone permanently, please don't make us do that!
If you have any specific questions about our TOS feel free to contact any one of the TMP Staff who will be happy to help. 
Greymatter Glass
Mr. P0rn
Last edited by PyroChixRock; 01-17-2015 at 12:15 PM.
Reason: changes
Re: Terms Of Service, all members please read
Halleluja for change!! Rule 16, removed from our community! 
16. Due to the legal ramifications regarding glass pipes, any advertisements for the sale of such items is prohibited and subsequent posts will be removed. Thank you for your cooperation.
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