Re: STOLEN GEAR LISTINGS - If it's too good to be true...
this red max has rigged up marver to it not an l marve. this tweeker stole it from me and my buddies car in ste pete florida then ran up to upstate new york his whereabouts unknown. this guy who sometimes goes by josh sometimes by jake last name favarro is VIOLENT. and a cleptomaniac. if you meet him 2 out of three times hi will ROB you. beware. he is short with dreads. he has a scar on his face and talks kind of like a villain. he is evil. he blows glass so beware he WILL try and fool you. might be somewhere around saratoga
I'll keep my ears open for any reports of this guy up this way, Don;t sound like he would be to hard to miss.
Stolen from my freind marcus's cabin in Big Lake Alaska:
1-paragon guilotine door kiln , 1-bethleham barracuda torch (recovered by cops), glasses other tools and graphite too. Snowmobiles and other items were taken as well.
Re: STOLEN GEAR LISTINGS - If it's too good to be true...
Originally Posted by ohgee42
name: chris adkins
where: madison, WI
when: fathers day weekend (i'm not exactly sure when fathers day is, i just remember cuz the whole house was gone), 2003
what: GTT phantom w/ "jseel" engraved on the bottom. it was a 2 stud with kinda frayed hoses and a sheath around the hoses (which could obviously be taken off), along with a minor burner.
how: someone kicked in the basement door where my shop was (since moved), cut the lines to both torches, took all finished work out of the kiln, and left.
Re: STOLEN GEAR LISTINGS - If it's too good to be true...
that rules dude. i'm stoked for you.
"Scientists proposed that male lion's skill at ambushing prey in dense vegetation was previously unknown because of scientists' fear of being ambushed by male lions in dense vegetation." Harpers, findings, may 2013
Re: STOLEN GEAR LISTINGS - If it's too good to be true...
hey man, glad that you got your torch back and it happened so quick...
i also hope that you didn't suffer much other damage as a result of this...
i know how thieves can just tear shit up for no reason...
reading this makes me so "F'n" paranoid about my shop
that, i think i will have to go on prozack...
my renter just moved out, owing me $380...
and the little shit head was fired from his job for
a fight that he started... that means that the cops
will be coming to my house, looking for his ass...
they will probably have a warrant in hand to search
for him sense, it is a felony to fight in this state if,
the other person has to see a doctor because of it...
i think i need a big dog to give my back yard tooo...
"You were born an original,
don't die a copy."
loosing my mind was easy,
finding it will be the task...
Just another unique individual, like all the rest.
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Aug 2005
Hamilton, Ontario
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Re: STOLEN GEAR LISTINGS - If it's too good to be true...
Originally Posted by The Lorax
so did you misplace it or did a thief return it? either way, nicccce
Who are you calling a theif? They were just borrowing it!
My roommate took two of his pitbulls with him the night before to confront a houseful of local crackheads about it. Next day, it got returned.
Re: STOLEN GEAR LISTINGS - If it's too good to be true...
wow Brian glad to see you got your stuff back. mabey it is time to Beef up the security in your shop........Calgary seems so mello, how do you like living there?
Just another unique individual, like all the rest.
Join Date
Aug 2005
Hamilton, Ontario
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Re: STOLEN GEAR LISTINGS - If it's too good to be true...
Originally Posted by Ratty dog
wow Brian glad to see you got your stuff back. mabey it is time to Beef up the security in your shop........Calgary seems so mello, how do you like living there?
The population has more than doubled in the past twenty years with the oil boom, and the paper has 8 pages of ads for jobs, and a half page of rentals. Not mellow at all, but I am having fun.
Re: STOLEN GEAR LISTINGS - If it's too good to be true...
I know these stories rarely turn out well, so I thought I'd share an update.
On the previous page there's a story about this clownshoe named Wes who jacked my partners whole shop - kiln, torches, tanks, tools, raw glass, finished pieces... the works. My partner caught him shortly after at one of the other shops in town trying to sell some of the stuff, but let him get away (man I wish I'd been there). Well we recently heard through the grapevine that he was back in Hot Springs, and a few calls and emails led us to the guy he's been working for. He had told some bullshit story about how he got all this stuff from a court decision (ya right), but once the real deal was explained and he was confronted with the truth, he admitted to it.
Apparently after leaving Texas he went to Cali for awhile and lost most of the finished pieces getting robbed at gunpoint (ironically funny, if true), and the raw glass is long gone, but most of the gear is accounted for. So the shop owner there got it all boxed up and after sending him the money for shipping, he mailed it all back. UPS dropped it off today, so despite some losses it all worked out ok. Shortly after finding out about this his new boss caught Wes selling an under-the -table custom piece, and said thats enough for me I'm not trusting this guy any further either... so beware, he's back out there somewhere looking for his next place to work.. I mean rip off.