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Thread: Just Me

  1. #1
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    Default Just Me

    Well I'm not one for lurking around and not letting people know who I am, even though most of the time I feel like I annoy people to no end and I'm more than likely better off being a lurker.

    I have wanted to blow glass for a good while now and until this year I have not really moved forward at all on the idea. I bought me a HH to see how I would like it. I was able to get my hands on some soft glass tubes and play around with them. I had fun. I not bad at controlling the bubble or anything, I just was not able to wrap any more glass around the tube and play with it that way. I was very limited on what I was able to do with the HH and the way that I work.

    I still do not have a better torch, but I'm looking. I'm sure that it will be a while longer before I have the funds up to get a torch that will do boro well. I will be keeping an eye on the classifieds here and see what pops up. Though I have thought about buying a kit from one of the many websites that has them listed. I just can't find a kit for what I would like to have at a price that fits the bill.

    Well that is my intro. Oh yeah, I'm a SysAdmin, and I work for a tire co. in Atlanta

    I think that about sums me up.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Just Me

    I'd skip the kits. People are constantly upgrading and down grading so torches will come up. With the economy more torches are coming up and at better prices then normal. Most of the kits out there come with stuff you don't need and sometimes with sub-par components like crappy regulators or super cheap glasses.
    Best bet is to be completely honest with yourself on what you intend to make and try to purchase the best torch you can afford that will accomplish that task. Welcome to the insanity.
    "If you are looking for sympathy, you can find it in the dictionary somewhere between shit and syphilis"

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Just Me

    Is it going to be better to buy from a welding supply shop for the regulators, hoses, and flow values?

    I'm thinking Lynx for the first torch. I was going to go with the Nortel Big Red, but I think that I would be better served, from what I have read, getting a Lynx and sticking with the GTT series of torches.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Just Me

    really depends on what your going to make. I love GTT's but if your going to be a pipe maker the Red Max IMO is a better torch. If your making jewelry , beads and doing a lot of soft glass work the Lynx is the better choice.
    Someone will chime in soon and tell you they can do it all on a Lynx but this is what a handful of people are able to achieve but what the regular working joe can do. Again this is just my opinion but if I only had my Lynx I'd either quit glass or not do any larger tube work. Thats why I said be honest with yourself on what you intend to make.
    If you can afford a phantom or above .. theres no question I'd recomend a GTT.

    Check Ebay for the gauges. Try to go with a known brand like Victor and get medium duty or above. Used guages alot of time can be more trouble then their worth and don't save you enough money. Unless you can test the gauge yourself or trust the person, I'd stick with new. And hoses can be picked up at the local supply store. Most torches run on propane so make sure and get the right grade hose (T) .
    "If you are looking for sympathy, you can find it in the dictionary somewhere between shit and syphilis"

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Just Me

    mid range in the glassafieds right now.. for the money its hard to beat for a starter torch.
    "If you are looking for sympathy, you can find it in the dictionary somewhere between shit and syphilis"

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Just Me

    for the price the Redmax/midrange is hard to beat. there are issues i have with the torch, but i have also seen a lot of really nice work come from them.

    hoses and regulators can be gotten easily from online stores (don't forget to add shipping to cost) but you can also go and get some nice stuff from your local supply store. My experience is that they are a bit more pricey, but most of the time you get better stuff from them. and they're local if you need to return.


  7. #7
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    Default Re: Just Me

    So i want to make sure I get this right. I do not need to get a Lynx if I am going to start off blowing glass pipes. I should get the RedMax and then move to the Phantom instead of learning the GTT triple mix for use with upgrading to the phantom.

    I was ready to buy a RedMax yesterday, but after reading a bit I thought that I should get a Lynx so that I could learn the way a Phantom works. If RedMax is the better of the torches to start and then move on later that is what I will do.

    I don't have any experience with oxy/propane torches, so I'm going by what people say. I already understand that there is no perfect torch I have read plenty of those treads from many forums over the past month.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Just Me

    it may give you a slight leg up starting with a lynx when you do move to a phantom but only slightly over just spending some time learning a torch period. The truth is switching to any torch will require a re-adjustment period of which even the most experienced go through.
    The ultimate decision is yours. Like I said some people will tell you they can do it all on a Lynx... but I'd much perfer a midrange or a red max for pipes. I run a GTT Mirage btw and absolutely love my torch... but if I only had $500 or less to spend a GTT wouldn't be it.
    "If you are looking for sympathy, you can find it in the dictionary somewhere between shit and syphilis"

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Just Me

    oh and if your not sure.. try and find someone who will let you try their torch. Or pay for a lesson with someone who has some different torches to try. A lot of people made the mistake of buying torches on others recomendation and end up be quite unhappy. Sounds like you haven't been in a rush to this point.. don't get in one now.. your torch and glasses will be your most important money spent as far as your enjoyment.
    "If you are looking for sympathy, you can find it in the dictionary somewhere between shit and syphilis"

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Just Me

    Yeah you can beat the hell out of the RedMax and nothing will happen (well almost nothing) the GTT you might mess up if you have nobody showing you how to use it. That's not to say if you watch the video you won't know how to run it... it just helps understand it better if someone is showing you...

    i prefer the Major/Minor Redmax option where you can get the surface mix on top instead of the pre mix.

    I had a Bethlehem Barracuda before buying my Mirage. and a 3A national Blowpipe before that.

    bottom line is they are all good torches... just pick one you can afford and think you'll be happy with.... then get the large GTT :-D


  11. #11
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    Default Re: Just Me

    thanks for the help. I'm looking into the midrange right now. we will see what comes about. if it works out i might be able to get a setup for around $500 all depending.

  12. #12
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    Default Re: Just Me

    Mouseclone, I didn't notice where you are need to beat a path out to Flametree Glass in the Roswell area. They run an all GTT shop and Lance is a terrific guy. They have classes there all of the time and I'm sure you could check out a torch if you asked. It's really worth it to go see what's what and it's free. Tell Lance that Mike sent ya.

  13. #13
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    Default Re: Just Me

    Quote Originally Posted by Conchis View Post
    Mouseclone, I didn't notice where you are need to beat a path out to Flametree Glass in the Roswell area. They run an all GTT shop and Lance is a terrific guy. They have classes there all of the time and I'm sure you could check out a torch if you asked. It's really worth it to go see what's what and it's free. Tell Lance that Mike sent ya.
    Talked to them yesterday. I have been up there before to pick up some soft tubing for the HH I have just to see if I could do a little and understood something before I wanted to get into a Boro style torch and to see if I really wanted to do it. I still have some of the glass but I have a lot to learn yet.

    I do plan on taking some of their classes when I get a setup at the house. There is also a guy named Patrick from Atmosphere Glass that I have been talking to. I ran into him in Little Five. He has invited me to come and watch him do some work as well.

    I have a ton of ramp up work to do. Patrick is the one that told me about this forum. figured couldn't get a better recommendation. A friend of mine at 42 degrees in little 5 really wanted to me to talk to him.

    Also about FlameTree, I will more than likely buy my glass from there. I prefer to by local, not because of being able to take it back, just because i prefer to support the local econ.

  14. #14
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    Default Re: Just Me

    Quote Originally Posted by mouseclone View Post
    He has invited me to come and watch him do some work as well.

    I prefer to by local, not because of being able to take it back, just because i prefer to support the local econ.
    wow take him up on that! Its absolutely priceless getting to watch. Watching for a good week wouldn't be unheard of before considering your torch. You'll really be surprised how much easier boro will be if you've watched someone. You won't realize it while your watching but you'll realize it when your working.
    Right on , on buying local. Support the local economy when you can.. when they start bending you over though don't be afraid of mail order.
    "If you are looking for sympathy, you can find it in the dictionary somewhere between shit and syphilis"

  15. #15
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    Default Re: Just Me

    I learn a lot by watching, always have. Getting my body to mimic the moves at the right time is just going to take practice. I'm ready for it though. I didn't learn computers over night, so I don't think that I will be able to just pick up a tube and start making master pieces. Would be nice though.

  16. #16
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    Default Re: Just Me

    Welcome to the board! I lurked around here for a couple of years before I started posting.(some folks probably still wish I was lurking) And I still haven't gotten around to posting any pics of my work, so way to jump out there and introduce yourself! I'm positive that this place will become a favorite spot of yours if you love glassblowing. Also don't forget to check out, and for inspiration and awe.

    ....Holy Shit!! That guy just cup-stuffed a Kitten!!!

  17. #17
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    Default Re: Just Me

    heck, right now I'm wondering how I'm going to get up the fundage to get everything I need, and that is just the basics. I will be on here a good bit. I have a tone of reading to do.

    If i end up getting a torch around the $500 mark it will clear me out. I have checked pricing on gas bottles and they are around $200 + $25 refill, so I think that I will have to wait on oxy even after I get the torch. Still will have to wait longer to get hoses, regs, and flashback prevention valves. Oh and glasses, can't forget those. then I will just need some glass

    I would think by the time the end of the year rolls around I will have everythign I need. Maybe another side job for building servers and managing them will come along. who knows.

    Strange thing is I opted to buy a torch instead of a netbook, and I really wanted a netbook.

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