Well I'm not one for lurking around and not letting people know who I am, even though most of the time I feel like I annoy people to no end and I'm more than likely better off being a lurker.

I have wanted to blow glass for a good while now and until this year I have not really moved forward at all on the idea. I bought me a HH to see how I would like it. I was able to get my hands on some soft glass tubes and play around with them. I had fun. I not bad at controlling the bubble or anything, I just was not able to wrap any more glass around the tube and play with it that way. I was very limited on what I was able to do with the HH and the way that I work.

I still do not have a better torch, but I'm looking. I'm sure that it will be a while longer before I have the funds up to get a torch that will do boro well. I will be keeping an eye on the classifieds here and see what pops up. Though I have thought about buying a kit from one of the many websites that has them listed. I just can't find a kit for what I would like to have at a price that fits the bill.

Well that is my intro. Oh yeah, I'm a SysAdmin, and I work for a tire co. in Atlanta

I think that about sums me up.