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Thread: Lifeforms lives on!

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Mims, Florida
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    Default Lifeforms lives on!

    The shock of losing the GAS conference has started to subside and we have been in contact with the people involved and made some changes to "Lifeforms" that will allow it to move ahead without GAS. These changes have been posted on the "Lifeforms" web site, but I will list them briefly below. I hope that these changes will not deter any of you from participating in this event. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to ask.

    1. Lifeforms will not occur in any form in Boston. That part of the event will now be replaced by an online exhibition. As originally planned, this part of the exhibition is open to everyone and free of charge. The major change here is that membership in GAS is no longer a requirement to enter. Anyone may enter.

    2. Entry will now be done with photographs. Digital images of your actual model must be submitted to me no later than May 1. The online catalog will be posted using those images by June 1. You may send more than one image of your entry if you choose, but I reserve the right to choose which images to use in the online catalog.

    3. The judging will also be done from those images, so make sure they are good photographs! The judging will be done by Susan Rossi-Wilcox, former curator of the Harvard Glass Flowers. She will select the 40 best models to be included in the extended "physical" exhibition to be held at the Hodge Gallery at the Pittsburgh Glass Center July - Sept. 2013. The deadline for submissions is May 1. Notifications will be sent out on May 15.

    4. Awards have been modified slightly as follows: Three awards of excellence at $1000 each. Three awards of achievement at $500 each. Three awards of merit at $200 each. Total: $5100. Note that honorable mentions will no longer have cash awards. This is to help pay for another change: return shipping of work from the physical show will now be paid for by "Lifeforms".

    5. Selected models must be shipped to the PIttsburgh Glass Center between June 1 - 21, 2013. The deadline to receive models is June 21. Set up for the show will be June 27, 28. The opening reception will be July 5. Everyone is invited to attend the opening! The physical show will run until sometime in September. At the end of the show, the work will be shipped back to the artists.

    6. There is a possibility of extending the show beyond Pittsburgh. We are looking for venues for a traveling show. Suggestions are welcome.
    Last edited by Robert Mickelsen; 01-05-2013 at 06:56 AM.
    Robert Mickelsen

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Lifeforms lives on!

    Hooray!!! Terrific news, thanks for making some lemonade out of this lemon Robert!
    Last edited by vetropod; 01-04-2013 at 04:34 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
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    Default Re: Lifeforms lives on!

    Quote Originally Posted by Robert Mickelsen View Post
    The shock of losing the GAS conference has started to subside and we have been in contact with the people involved and made some changes to "Lifeforms" that will allow it to move ahead without GAS. These changes have been posted on the "Lifeforms" web site, but I will list them briefly below. I hope that these changes will not deter any of you from participating in this event. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to ask.

    1. Lifeforms will not occur in any form in Boston. That part of the event will now be replaced by an online exhibition. As originally planned, this part of the exhibition is open to everyone and free of charge. The major change here is that membership in GAS is no longer a requirement to enter. Anyone may enter.

    2. Entry will now be done with photographs. Digital images of your actual model must be submitted to me no later than May 1. The online catalog will be posted using those images by June 1. You may send more than one image of your entry if you choose, but I reserve the right to choose which images to use in the online catalog.

    3. The judging will also be done from those images, so make sure they are good photographs! The judging will be done by Susan Rossi-Wilcox, former curator of the Harvard Glass Flowers. She will select the 40 best models to be included in the extended "physical" exhibition to be held at the Hodge Gallery at the Pittsburgh Glass Center July - Sept. 2013. The deadline for submissions is May 1. Notifications will be sent out on May 15.

    4. Awards have been modified slightly as follows: Three awards of excellence at $1000 each. Three awards of achievement at $500 each. Three awards of merit at $200 each. Total: $5100. Note that honorable mentions will no longer have cash awards. This is to help pay for another change: return shipping of work from the physical show will now be paid for by "Lifeforms".

    5. Selected models must be shipped to the PIttsburgh Glass Center between June 1 - 21, 2013. The deadline to receive models is June 21. Set up for the show will be June 27, 28. The opening reception will be July 5. Everyone is invited to attend the opening! The physical show will run until sometime in September. At the end of the show, the work will be shipped back to the artists.

    6. There is a possibility of extending the show beyond Pittsburgh. We are looking for venues for a traveling show. Suggestions are welcome.
    Just a quick headsup, that link has a typo. Thought I'd let you know! Very cool idea btw

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Lifeforms lives on!

    Yeah, nice save Robert. Let's see if we can get the exhibit out to Eugene after Pitt.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Lifeforms lives on!

    Great work!

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Lifeforms lives on!

    Quote Originally Posted by marktsunami View Post
    Just a quick headsup, that link has a typo. Thought I'd let you know! Very cool idea btw
    Oops. thanks for the heads up. Fixed.
    Robert Mickelsen

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Lifeforms lives on!

    Quote Originally Posted by jesse dog View Post
    Yeah, nice save Robert. Let's see if we can get the exhibit out to Eugene after Pitt.
    Got a venue in mind, Dave?
    Robert Mickelsen

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