Jury Results
To all Contributors to “Lifeforms!” –
Last Monday night, the “Lifeforms!” jury convened and selected the work for the live show. The task was a very difficult one given the high quality of the entries. If it were their choice, nearly every one of the 102 entries would have been included! But space constraints at the Hodge Gallery at the Pittsburgh Glass Center make it necessary to make difficult choices and our jury rose to the challenge.
The original premise for the live show was to exhibit the top 40 models submitted. But the choices at that cut-off point were so difficult to make that the jury agreed to expand the selection to 50.
The list of selected entries is below. If you are on the list, a contract and set of instructions for shipping your work will be sent to you next week. If you are not on the list, please take some comfort in the knowledge that your work will be displayed in the permanent online “Lifeforms!” exhibit along with every other entry.
The awards will be selected from the work at the live show the afternoon of Friday, July 5 by our four jurors, and announced at the opening that evening. You are all invited to attend.
In the coming weeks, the “Lifeforms!” web site will change into the online show. Instead of the galleries that are there now, thumbnail galleries will be set up that will show the entire entry of each participating artist including all submitted photographs, their statements and scientific reference images. These new galleries will be the permanent online show.
For everyone of you who made a model and submitted it to “Lifeforms!”, we thank you sincerely.
- Robert Mickelsen
Alex McDermott
Beau Tsai
Brent Cole
Carmen Lozar
Carolyn Baum
Cas Davey
David Willis
Demetra Theofanous
Donna Sakson
Elizabeth Johnson
Emma MacIntosh
Evan Kolker
Karina Guévin and Cédric Ginart
Jacci Delaney
Jahnny Rise
Jason Howard
Jennifer Umphress
Jeremy Sinkus
Joe Peters
Julie Conway
Jupiter Nielson
Kait Rhodes
Kathleen Elliot
Kimberly Fields
Lisa Zerkowitz
Lisa Demagall
Lyla Nelson
Mark Elliott
Marta Bernbaum
Mathieu Grodet
Mauro Vianello
Mike Mangiafico
Mike Shelbo
Nancy McGehee
Rachel Elliott
Randy Scott Harris
Robert Mickelsen
Ronnie Hughes
Sally Prasch
Sam McMillan
Sean Taylor
Shane Fero
Suellen Fowler
Ted Clark
Theo Keller
Toby Upton
Victor Trabucco
Vittorio Costantini
Wesley Fleming
Re: Jury Results
Smhh....Probably won't even stop by Glassfest in Corning either..
Don't trouble Trouble unless Trouble troubles You!

Re: Jury Results
I kid I kid...for real though..thought reverse psychology might work...
Don't trouble Trouble unless Trouble troubles You!

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