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Thread: BIGGER annd Better! The trading game!

  1. #41
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    Default Re: BIGGER annd Better! The trading game!

    After looking into it more and checking pictures online it is a flat camber.
    There is an ecstasy that marks the summit of life, and beyond which life cannot rise. And such is the paradox of living, this ecstasy comes when one is most alive, and it comes as a complete forgetfulness that one is alive. This ecstasy, this forgetfulness of living, comes to the artist, caught up and out of himself in a sheet of flame ; it comes to the soldier, war mad on a stricken battlefield and refusing quarter. ~ Jack London

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  2. #42
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    Default Re: BIGGER annd Better! The trading game!

    A buddy of mine has an alpine board that rides on the nose and tail and is off the ground in the center. PM me if interested and ill get more info. it is an older setup but looks good

  3. #43
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    Default Re: BIGGER annd Better! The trading game!

    Quote Originally Posted by smokinsluuu View Post
    Oo sorry dude I was waiting for you to respond to my pm. After reading the link you posted I don't think it is a rocker it seems to lay pretty flat. The way I understood the article it doesn't to be like a bananna. Eric one he price I sent in the pm was the in the ball park ? If nobody here wants it Ill prob try and sell it on eBay and would appreciate some insight as to what a fair price would be for myself and the buyer
    without knowing exact models of all of it, I'd say the price you quoted me is pretty fair. maybe a bit lower if they're all absolute bottom of the line models, but those companies are all pretty reputable. If any/all of the components are from their nicer offerings, you could probably get more. The biggest issue I see for you is shipping, if you dont have a box that it was shipped in, finding one could be a pain, and shipping something that long could be $$. It might be worth it for you to accept less $ if you can get rid of it locally to you and save the hassle of packing and shipping, because if you charge what it costs to ship on top of your asking price, it will be much less competetive of a deal compared to online retailers that have deals w/ shipping co's and offer free shipping.

    Oh and if anyone is interested in this board, hit him up I dont have dibs, Just trying to get the relevant info out so that someone who may be interested knows whats available.

  4. #44
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    Default Re: BIGGER annd Better! The trading game!

    Thank you for the input I do appreciate it. Only problem with local pick up is I'm in Florida so there is a pretty slim shot people locally would be interested. I'd prob take the hit on the shipping just to get the cash to put towards a new phantom. At this point the board is just sitting their not being used but the phantom would get used 6-8 hours a day so ill make up the hit sooner than later
    There is an ecstasy that marks the summit of life, and beyond which life cannot rise. And such is the paradox of living, this ecstasy comes when one is most alive, and it comes as a complete forgetfulness that one is alive. This ecstasy, this forgetfulness of living, comes to the artist, caught up and out of himself in a sheet of flame ; it comes to the soldier, war mad on a stricken battlefield and refusing quarter. ~ Jack London

    Instagram ---- Captain_Glass

  5. #45
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    Default Re: BIGGER annd Better! The trading game!

    Looking for Camelpak backpack, Hydration pack! Let me know if you got one you'd be willing to trade!
    Is it Beer :30 yet?

  6. #46
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    Default Re: BIGGER annd Better! The trading game!

    Quote Originally Posted by rvp117 View Post
    Looking for Camelpak backpack, Hydration pack! Let me know if you got one you'd be willing to trade!
    What'cha wanna trade for a CamelPak?

  7. #47
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    Default Re: BIGGER annd Better! The trading game!

    I have a PS vita with Uncharted: Golden Abyss with it, along with the manual, usb and charge cord, and the 8gb memory card.
    Here is the craigslist ad, you can see the pictures there.

    I have my graphics card and processor I used before upgrading, CPU is a AMD Phenom II 1100T with the heatsink from my FX8350. Same heatsink, but the 8350 has a lower profile fan.
    the GPU is a Sapphire Radeon HD 6870, it is pretty strong, it would get some good ratings for the benchmarks.
    pictures and details of those here.

    Not entirely sure what I would trade for, a torch would be awesome, but I figure might as well see what comes up.
    Last edited by PyroChixRock; 08-21-2013 at 07:16 PM. Reason: removing item for Dubbz

  8. #48
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    Default Re: BIGGER annd Better! The trading game!

    I have psp games and movies with no psp...I traded it for a mini bike two years ago...Does the vita play psp? Would trade for ps3 soon...
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  9. #49
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    Default Re: BIGGER annd Better! The trading game!

    Quote Originally Posted by RamblezMarblez View Post
    I have psp games and movies with no psp...I traded it for a mini bike two years ago...Does the vita play psp? Would trade for ps3 soon...
    It can't play the cards, but it does play digital copies

  10. #50
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    Default Re: BIGGER annd Better! The trading game!

    Quote Originally Posted by smokinsluuu View Post
    Thank you for the input I do appreciate it. Only problem with local pick up is I'm in Florida so there is a pretty slim shot people locally would be interested. I'd prob take the hit on the shipping just to get the cash to put towards a new phantom. At this point the board is just sitting their not being used but the phantom would get used 6-8 hours a day so ill make up the hit sooner than later
    I'm thinking about it actually dude. My nephew lives in Oregon. I doubt I have anything worth trading though.
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  11. #51
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    Default Re: BIGGER annd Better! The trading game!

    Quote Originally Posted by rvp117 View Post
    Looking for Camelpak backpack, Hydration pack! Let me know if you got one you'd be willing to trade!
    Damn I used to have ten or more of these things from the military. When we were in the desert they were shoving them down our throats. I can't guarantee but I'll see if I can find them if your interested in sand color.
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  12. #52
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    Default Re: BIGGER annd Better! The trading game!

    Quote Originally Posted by rhgunmasta View Post
    I have a PS vita with Uncharted: Golden Abyss with it, along with the manual, usb and charge cord, and the 8gb memory card.
    Here is the craigslist ad, you can see the pictures there.
    Any interest in a brand new 7th gen ipod nano 16gb?

    BTW I also am really in need of tubing, would trade for milli, color, or any glass supplies!

    I have a few gas powered Remote control trucks, a fully custom traxxis tmaxx and an exceed micro nitro truggy package.

    Id like to trade for a kiln or maybe a torch!

    Btw I live near UST Glass, so if someone would want to give me tube as trade I would prefer it just to be ordered from them (looking for china clear) and I could pick it up from the warehouse. Then there's no issues shipping the glass or with damages to it.
    LMK if we can work anything out! Thanks guys. Id trade iPod for supplies too!

  13. #53
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    Default Re: BIGGER annd Better! The trading game!

    Quote Originally Posted by ROGUE View Post
    Damn I used to have ten or more of these things from the military. When we were in the desert they were shoving them down our throats. I can't guarantee but I'll see if I can find them if your interested in sand color.
    are they full backpacks, or one that could attach to a FLC or APC via molle? I'd be interested in one of those. I have lots of nearly full lb's of NS fine frit, lots of color shorts, some boristix (white, spring purple, carribean blue, blush) let me know what you're looking for.

  14. #54
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    Default Re: BIGGER annd Better! The trading game!

    I have or had both kinds, I'm still currently looking for them. They must be in my attic which means I'm waiting until the sun goes down to look lol.

    Definitely in the market for some fine frit
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  15. #55
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    Default Re: BIGGER annd Better! The trading game!

    What'cha wanna trade for a CamelPak?
    I guess it all depends on what model it is, because they vary in price.

    Damn I used to have ten or more of these things from the military. When we were in the desert they were shoving them down our throats. I can't guarantee but I'll see if I can find them if your interested in sand color.
    I'd be interested let me know what you find!
    Is it Beer :30 yet?

  16. #56
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    Default Re: BIGGER annd Better! The trading game!

    Quote Originally Posted by JHamilton117 View Post
    Any interest in a brand new 7th gen ipod nano 16gb?
    nah sorry, not really interested in any ipods

  17. #57
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    Default Re: BIGGER annd Better! The trading game!

    i have a skunkpharm MKIII closed loop extraction system with extra parts, appion g5 recovery pump, 5.2cfm vacpump, 6.3 cfm vac pump, 2 50# recovery tanks, 1 30# recovery tank, plus large industrial vacuum oven. This is a highly productive system!

    will trade for a lathe. pm if interested. local pickup only(portland)

  18. #58
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    Default Re: BIGGER annd Better! The trading game!

    i got a 4th gen ipod touch, i think the speaker might be busted, not sure, my 2 yr old was messin with it, i dont know if he turned it off or what, its not worth much to me, lowball me. i also have those large fingers with the counterbalance, dont wanna get lowballed too bad on them. also a 2005 honda rancher 4 wheeler. needs a starter but i just use the pull start. my buddy is tryin to get it off me, so he gets first dibs, but i am feelin out offers...

  19. #59
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    Default Re: BIGGER annd Better! The trading game!

    for trade:
    2009 Jamis Parker. RS domain (160 cm travel, upgraded with compression damper) on front, fox rp23 on rear. kenda nevegals (pretty new), Hayes Bros hydro discy's, Crank Bros Joplin adjustable seat post. more upgrades, i'll add to it as i think of them. it's a bit heavy, but makes for a nice all mountain bike or light duty DH.

    looking for:
    gtt phantom (yea keep dreaming mike) or beth bravo...probably would prefer a bravo or a barracuda as they use less oxy.
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  20. #60
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    Default Re: BIGGER annd Better! The trading game! of this mountain bike? You got any others?

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