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Thread: Zed's Veronese Vase progression thread

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    Default Zed's Veronese Vase progression thread

    So I told myself that to justify their expense, when I finally threw down on the Herbert Arnold chuck style grabbers I would pick one shape that requires them and do it over and over until I could nail it 80% of the time... Today is that day. I walked into the glass store not expecting to buy the grabbers I was there for new rollers but they had a slightly damaged grabber for nearly half off. I bought them and with 10 minutes of repair and massaging they are 100%, STOKED. I like $125 much more then $230!

    The shape I picked is the Veronese vase. I have long appreciated its simple classic lines but I had never tried to make one. Since the hollow knop needs to be attached to the foot with a hollow connection leaving a hole its impossible to just punty up to the underside of the foot with a rod which is my usual method for attaching feet; it needs the grabber.

    So armed with the new grabbers and randomly having watched the newish Cesare Toffolo video the night before where he makes a fucking huge one I got to work. I also switched from Simax to Schott, as Schott seems to stay pliable longer. I am determined to do this the way Cesare does them, I need work on getting the heat base and thickness just right for using diamond shears to crimp for the jack lines. I could have gotten better results with flame cutting and trimming but I am want to do it the Italian way, no graphite only jacks and shears. I think
    I may need new shears I have a small Jim Moore diamond shears that I love but I struggled to get them open wide enough to crimp down 50mm they are too small and also dull. I've spent enough on tools lately but I'll get new ones soon. Anyways, sorry for the novel here are my attempts.

    soundtrack: Jesus Christ Superstar (OG Andrew Lloyd Weber version not shitty movie one)
    Veronese vase #1
    Veronese vase #2

    my new HA grabbers

    For having never made this shape before I'm happy with the results although I would never sell these they are too flawed. I need to work on the jack lines and proportions and connections, but I think I'll get it pretty quick. Using just clear I was able to put these together in around 45 minutes each. The 2nd attempt came out worse then the first but I was also tired by this point, it was the last thing I made before I quit for the night. Other then the neck and the opening flair I'm not exactly nailing the taper up to the neck it should be more balloon shaped. I'm going to concentrate on these for a bit, so there will be more and I'll post them good or bad. I didn't anneal these at all, didn't even flame anneal them and they seem to be holding up fine, my theory is that if you run the heat base correctly nothing will crack on a bench cool, that seems to be holding up. I forgot to look at them under a polariscope but I will next time. These are practice pieces and I'm trying to transition into a no kiln working method for these types of shapes (not feasible for everything) since I'm building a off grid solar powered studio later this year when the weather breaks. Solar panels won't run a electric kiln but I'll probably build a propane powered one and batch anneal with a on grid kiln. I'll start a thread about my studio build when construction begins its going to be epic.

    Thanks for reading my novel, constructive criticism welcome.

    EDIT: I also don't have the vertically mounted graphite constriction thing on my torch like Cesare but I'm going to talk to a guy about welding a bracket to the back of my L marver to mount it. I think this will be a big help too, as will a flame cut off foot pedal. I ordered Chineseium pneumatic valves to build a pedal, going to be a while since China's far but I'll do a writeup on the pedal if it works.
    Last edited by Zed; 02-18-2019 at 07:50 PM.

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