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Thread: nortel midrange w/premix topfire

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Bennington, Vermont, United States
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    Default nortel midrange w/premix topfire

    looking for a used Nortel Midrange with a premix top fire. has to be a premix top, not interested in surface mix minor or mega minor.
    You shouldn't be having sex for pleasure, only for reproduction.
    Thousands of people read my threads now. So I知 trying to not embarrass myself.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: nortel midrange w/premix topfire

    I know where some extra equipment is.

    Let me look around in mass. Might take a few days. People out of town atm

  3. #3
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    Bennington, Vermont, United States
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    Default Re: nortel midrange w/premix topfire

    word, i appreciate you bro. need to get producing again asap. it's been too long.
    You shouldn't be having sex for pleasure, only for reproduction.
    Thousands of people read my threads now. So I知 trying to not embarrass myself.

  4. #4

    Default Re: nortel midrange w/premix topfire

    Pm sent

  5. #5
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    Default Re: nortel midrange w/premix topfire

    still looking.
    You shouldn't be having sex for pleasure, only for reproduction.
    Thousands of people read my threads now. So I知 trying to not embarrass myself.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: nortel midrange w/premix topfire

    so i asked the seller that "Victory James" referred me to, who's only post is his reply in this thread referring me to this sellers email "". getting a pic of the torch was a bit of a chore, and then i ask for pics of the item, with a card and hand written date and price etc.
    he sends me what appears to be a pic ripped from the web, with a card and the date/price etc seems to be photoshopped on. take a look at the pic and tell me i'm right in saying it's a fake pic and the dudes a sheister.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	nortel .jpg 
Views:	69 
Size:	37.0 KB 
ID:	94194
    You shouldn't be having sex for pleasure, only for reproduction.
    Thousands of people read my threads now. So I知 trying to not embarrass myself.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Default Re: nortel midrange w/premix topfire

    Yeah you're correct, they're definitely a scammer. That photoshop job is embarrassingly bad and their email comes up in Google results from car forums mentioning similar antics.

    Finally, they pulled the image from frickin

    0/5, wish I could dock even more points for the blatant lack of effort from this grifter

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Bennington, Vermont, United States
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    Default Re: nortel midrange w/premix topfire

    still looking for a used midrange/premix or similar unit.
    nortel SSQ would be really ideal ish (considering it's premix center but i'd work with it), but hard to find and somewhat pricey i hear.
    You shouldn't be having sex for pleasure, only for reproduction.
    Thousands of people read my threads now. So I知 trying to not embarrass myself.

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